Floatable - Foam processing
The FRMD is used to remove the upper layer of foam, oil or fats. The natural flow within the basin, together with the suction of the pump, attracts the surface of the water towards the center of the FRMD. An adaptable floating weir allows the upper layer to enter the pump and be removed from the basin. The weir and the submersible pump are mounted on a robust floating structure held in place by cables and springs or guiding tubes.
Depending on the application and the geometry of the basin, the FRMD can be mounted together with a MIXSL (directional submersible mixer) or MIX-AS (floating downdraft mixer) to help the flow towards the weir.
Applicable for removal of oil, fats, bulking + aging sludge, recycling of scum in sludge stabilisation + biogas, SBR and ASP tanks.

- Submersible centrifugal pump with variable flow
- Floating structure in AISI 304L/316L or other SS alloys
- Flexible discharge hose with a high chemical andmechanical resistance
- Adjustable flow rates
- Special pump for mixtures of different liquids and air
- Easy installation and removal
- Easy use in on/off mode or with a frequency drive
- Fixed or variable water levels

- Tailor-made structure to fit in channels or confined spaces
- Combination with a mixer
- Use of a self-aspirating, volumetric pump mounted on the floats or outside the tank
- Gross mesh to prevent the inlet of large solids from entering the pump